141st - New Pilot Candidate Application Process

New Pilot  - KC-135 Pilot Hiring Information (Currently only accepting applications from current WA ANG members)

  1. SUPT Application Package continuously accepted
  2. SUPT Interviews (Dates to be determined) contact for information

If you already have your wings, Click Here

Thank you for your interest in the 116th Air Refueling Squadron. Please review the eligibility criteria and requirements below to determine if you meet the applicant qualifications. This list is not all inclusive but addresses the most common questions that we receive. If you have additional questions regarding eligibility criteria, please call the Assistant Director of Operations (ADO) at 509-247-7142 / DSN 370-7142 or the Director of Operations (DO) at 509-247-7108 / DSN 370-7108.


Qualified applicants should submit a package based on the application process listed below. A mailed hard copy is preferred. If emailed, please have all documents in a single file. We typically review applications and interview selected candidates on an as needed basis for Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) position(s). We look forward to hearing from you.

Eligibility Criteria: 

To be considered for an interview applicants must:

     1.  Possess, at a minimum, a baccalaureate degree from an accredited educational institution.
     2.  Achieve a minimum composite score of 50 on the Air Force Qualifying Test (AFOQT) when adding both "Pilot" and "Nav" scores together. Scores cannot be in the 25th percentile or lower in the pilot category and 10th percentile or lower in the navigator composite. Your local ANG recruiter can provide information on completing the test.
     3.  Able to attain a Top Secret Security Clearance and meet security requirements of AFI 31-501.
     4.  Willing to incur a ten year Military Service Obligation (MSO). 
     5.  Applicant must be younger than 30 years of age prior to beginning day one of SUPT. Candidate(s) selected, by the interview board to attend SUPT, can expect to begin formal training anywhere between 6-18 months from the date of selection due to manning requirements and availability of class openings at the required formal schools.
     6.  Able to enter formal training within 18 months and attend approximately two years of required training outside of Washington State.


Before attending SUPT selected applicant(s) must:

      1.  Qualify medically, IAW AFI 48-123 and successfully complete a commissioning physical and Flying Class 1 (FC1) physical at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.  
      2.  Meet fitness requirements IAW AFI 36-2905.
      3.  Obtain a commission by graduating from Total Force Officer Training (TFOT)
      4.  Complete Initial Flight Screening (IFS).

After completing all formalized training and upon return to the 141st ARW, 116th ARS, WA ANG, members must:

1.  Reside within two hours (driving) of Fairchild.
      2.  Be available to fly a minimum of four times a month
      3.  Attend 4-day MUTA(drill) unless excused by the Squadron Commander
      4.  Perform a minimum of 15 days of annual training, potentially away from home station
      5.  Be available to participate in various deployments, inspections, evaluations and other mission readiness activities.

Application Process:

Please arrange and submit in the listed order, AT A MINIMUM, the items listed below:

     1. Must be a current WA Air National Guard member

     2. The 116 ARS SUPT Application, (link below)
     3. Private pilots license highly recommended with solo flight complete

     4.  A one page letter explaining why you want to fly for the Washington Air National Guard.
     5.  Letter(s) of recommendation (optional).
     6.  Official college transcript.
     7.  Official AFOQT and PCSM scores.
     8.  (If applicable) a photocopy of your Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) license and last page of your pilot's logbook with your hours totaled and certified or a certified letter from a flying club or flying service stating the type of instruction you have received and the total number of hours you have flown.
     9.  Any other items that you feel pertinent. 


Interviews usually occur on an as needed basis. After approximately 6-18 months candidate will enter the SUPT pipeline:

     1.  Total Force Officer Training (8 weeks)
     2.  Medical Flight Screening (2 days)
     3.  Initial Flight Screening (2 months)
     4.  Air and Space Basic Course (5 days)
     5.  Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (1 year)
     6.  Combat Crew Training School (4 months)
     7.  Survival Schools (4 weeks)

     8. Home station training (8 months)

Click on the Pilot Application link below and select "save as..." from the menu. Once you have it saved to your computer, fill it out and include it in your application package.


New Pilot Candidate Application


Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the hiring process, please call or email: 

E-Mail:    116ARS.DO.PilotHiring@us.af.mil

Phone:    (509) 247-7142 or DSN 370-7142

116th Air Refueling Squadron
Attn: Pilot Hiring
1301 W. Richmond Rd. Bldg. 1034
Fairchild AFB, WA 99011-9413