141st Prior Service Pilot Application Process

Prior Service KC-135 Pilot Hiring Information

If you do not have your wings yet, Click Here

Thank you for your interest in the 116th Air Refueling Squadron. Please review the eligibility criteria and requirements below to determine if you meet the applicant qualifications.  This list is not all inclusive but addresses the most common questions that we receive.  If you have additional questions regarding eligibility criteria, please call the ADO at 509-247-7142 / DSN 370-7142 or the DO at 509-247-7108 / DSN 370-7108.  Qualified applicants should submit a package based on the application process listed below.  A mailed hard copy is preferred.  If emailed, please have all documents in a single file. We typically review applications and interview selected candidates on an as needed basis. We look forward to hearing from you.

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements: 

KC-135 aircraft experience preferred but not required. 
All 116th flying members must reside within two hours (driving) of Fairchild.
4-day MUTA (drill) attendance is mandatory unless excused by the squadron commander.
Be available to fly an average of four times a month to maintain currency.
Be available for at least 15 days of annual training.
Additionally, be available to participate in various deployments, inspections, evaluations and other mission readiness activities. 

Application Process: 
Please submit (at a minimum) in the order listed below:

1.  116ARS Pilot Application (link below)
2.   Resume
3.   AF Form 942 (Record of Evaluation)
4.   Copies of all prior performance reports
5.   Letter(s) of recommendation (optional)

Click on the Pilot Application link below and select "save as..." from the menu.

Prior Service Pilot Application

Applicants who are selected for interviews will be notified by telephone or e-mail. Interviews will take place at 141 ARW Operations Group, Washington Air National Guard, Fairchild AFB, Washington. The uniform will be service dress. Applicants who are TDY or cannot attend may be offered a teleconference/telephone interview. 

Once your application is received, it will be placed on file and reviewed before each subsequent pilot hiring board. Applications can be kept active by calling the number listed below once every 6 months.

Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the hiring process, please call the numbers listed below: 

E-Mail:      116ARS.DO.PilotHiring@us.af.mil
Phone:      (509) 247-7142 or DSN 370-7142 -or- (509) 247-7108 / DSN 370-7108 


116th Air Refueling Squadron
Attn: DO/ADO Pilot Hiring

1301 W. Richmond Rd. Bldg. 1034
Fairchild AFB, WA 99011-9413

Thank you for considering the Washington Air National Guard
as a place to continue your aviation career.