141st - Strategic Plan - Area of Focus - People The 141st Air Refueling Wing is committed to maintaining and developing a highly motivated and trained force of dedicated citizen airmen with a strong sense of community while providing for an enhanced quality of life. We have a well defined "Life Cycle" for the management of human resources covering the point at which recruits enter military service, their preparation and training for contributing a meaningful service, their continuous motivation and finally, their release from military service with honor and dignity. We are managing and measuring the accession of new personnel gains that promote diversity and ensures timely acquisition of quality personnel to meet short and long-term organizational goals. To that end, we track our assigned strength for each grade, both enlisted and officer. As of 30 April 02, the wing was manned at 104.92 percent enlisted and 87.31 percent officer. The 141 ARW features diversity during recruiting and training activity. We track our diversity against the Spokane demographics. Retention is our "end in mind" and we've improved internal processes and have implemented programs that positively affect our new members. The Newcomer's Orientation (Phase I) and Newcomer's Training (Phase II) along with the Non-Prior Service Basic Training Prep Class have received rave reviews from members and their supervisors. The percentage of new accessions attending the newcomer's orientation for the period 1 January 2002 through 30 April 2002 was 85 percent. Forty-eight were scheduled, 41 attended. The percentage of non-prior service members attending the BMT Prep Course was 90 percent. Thirty-one were scheduled, 28 attended. The Retention and Training offices are working together to establish standardized in/out-processing for members attending BMT and Split Option Tech School. After members are brought into the organization and trained, we need to ensure they are utilized to satisfy the needs of the mission. Educated, trained and capable people are the foundation of readiness. We are in the process of revitalizing the Wing Master Training Plan that will be published annually by 1 October. Both full-time and traditional members will be part of the planning process. Through innovative force management practices, we are attempting to provide a qualified Unit Education and Training Manager for every organization in the wing, alleviating this all too important task to be done as an additional duty by a traditional unit member. Even though we recruit, educate, train and pay people, they still need to know that what they do is appreciated, meaningful, recognized and is a key part of the overall mission accomplishment. The key indicator of the effectiveness of sustainment is retention. A FY 02 Retention Survey was conducted earlier this year. Five hundred fifty-five members completed the survey. The results, although they reflected positive attitudes, will offer leaders and staff a chance for improvement. Some solution ideas being considered to help correct "attention" areas are the development of a Supervisor's Development Course and a Junior Enlisted Advisory Council. Initial Unit Career Advisor training was held earlier this year, with quarterly UCA training planned. A Unit Career Advisor Handbook, Commander's Handbook and Supervisor's Handbook are under development with a completion estimated in July. We need to recognize our people, be sensitive to an increasing diverse work force, give fair and timely feedback on performance and career progression and promote where possible and warranted. Career motivation program interviews from both supervisors and unit career advisor are being tracked. During the period of 1 January through 15 May 2002, 358 interviews are scheduled, with 127 completed and 68 overdue. An annual metric, showing the percentage of assigned personnel receiving awards/decorations, both federal and state and by type of an award within the calendar year, has been developed. Twenty-three percent of our personnel were recognized during calendar year 2001. The Retention Office Manager is revising an exit survey, estimated completion not later than 1 June 2002, for all members departing the unit. This is yet another tool to provide feedback to commanders.