141st - Strategic Plan - Area of Focus - Planning Process


Senior staff has recently reorganized our wing strategic planning activity. Smaller, more focused elements at group and wing levels were thought to be more efficient and effective for our process. In fact, this was feedback from our two previous conferences.

Our new approach seeks to give all unit members the opportunity to contribute their ideas to the strategic planning process while striving for efficiency in terms of meetings and communication.

Here's what we really mean:

At the foundation level, everyone in the wing may contribute strategic planning ideas, observations, or concerns to their group commander/element leader or his designated enlisted representative. Additionally, group commander/element leaders may charter teams within their organization to study issues and made recommendations. You may also be asked to serve as a subject matter expert to assist groups at any level of the process; total size of this team: 850 - give or take.

At the focus level, the vice commander and the three group commanders will collaborate with their four enlisted representatives, the command chief master sergeant, and the chief of plans and programs to de-conflict proposals, refine recommendations, and assure accurate communication; total size of this team: 11.

The recommendation level is comprised of the vice commander, the three group commanders, the command chief master sergeant, and the chief of plans and programs. A labor unit representative will also be included when discussion will pertain to bargaining unit member issues. The team is charged with achieving consensus and making final recommendations to the wing commander; total size of the team: 6-7.

The state chief of staff will act as liaison between the wing and state headquarters to assure planning continuity.

We appreciate your input during past strategic planning forums and expect your active participation within this new structure.

Our goal is to efficiently respond to specific wing issues and provide tangible results what will enhance this important process. Our charter remains to plot a course for the future, not only for us, but also for those who will follow.