Spokane Air Guard Booster Club

The Spokane Air Guard Booster Club is a registered non-profit corporation. Dues are collected from its members to defray the costs of the many events and services provided.

The Booster Club, through its membership, promotes and preserves the proud heritage and history of the Washington Air National Guard.

Membership in the Booster Club is open to all current, former or retired members of any unit of the Washington Air National Guard. Associate membership is available for eligible dependents.

An elected Board of Directors governs the Spokane Air Guard Booster Club. This board, with the assistance of volunteer sub-committees, oversees the official business of the corporation.

The Booster Club holds a membership luncheon on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Spokane Valley VFW Post, South 212 David Road. This is an excellent opportunity for interaction with the 'Old Timers' who regularly attend.

Dues are $5 per year or $50 for lifetime a lifetime membership, forms can be obtained from any board member.