141st - Family Needs Self-Evaluation

1.What are the biggest problems you face when your member is attending weekend drills?

2. What are the biggest problems you face when your member is attending Annual Training?

3. What problems would you anticipate if your member were called to active duty for an extended period of time?

4. What can your member's unit do to help you with these problems?

5. Would you like to meet with other family members? _________ If so, how often?

______ Monthly ______ Quarterly ______ Twice a year ______ Only during training and/or deployment

6. Do you have special needs not covered by this survey that you would like the 141ARW or State Family Program to assist you with? If so, please explain:

7. Do you have suggestions for family activities or comments about past events you have attended?

8. Would you be interested in helping out with the 141ARW Family Readiness activities or programs? (Please check all that apply):

______ Assist in planning social activities

______ Help out at family events

______ Call other family members (Telephone tree)

______ Fundraising

______ Other_____________________________

Thank you for completing this survey. Your input is very important to us. Your support will help to build a stronger, more rewarding 141ARW Family Readiness Program.


Thank you for taking a moment of your time to fill out this questionnaire. This Self-Assessment is to be completed by a spouse, significant other, parent, person who cares for your children, etc. not the Guard member. Your personal assessment of your ability to meet the challenges of being without your Guard member will be used to calculate a Family Readiness score. Readiness is an individual matter. It is important to determine what preparations need to be accomplished for you to feel ready. Please keep this in mind while completing the assessment. Based on your feedback, "tools", in the form of classes, information, and specialized services, will be developed to improve the areas where you feel unprepared. We will re-administer the self-assessment in the future to determine if our efforts have improved your readiness.

Based on the following scale, how would you rate yourself and family?

1 totally unprepared
2 mostly unprepared
3 slightly prepared
4 mostly prepared
5 totally prepared

1. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have when your Guard member is away on Drill weekend? 1 2 3 4 5

2. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have when your Guard member is away for a deployment or training or up to two weeks? 1 2 3 4 5

3. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have if your Guard member were called for duty for 2 - 4 months? 1 2 3 4 5

4. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have if your Guard member were called for duty for 3-6 months? 1 2 3 4 5

5. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have if your Guard member were called for duty for over 6 months? 1 2 3 4 5

6. How prepared are you to meet the challenges you have if your Guard member were called to serve on State Active Duty in case of a natural disaster or riot? 1 2 3 4 5

7. How prepared are you and your household to weather a Natural Disaster in light of the fact that your Guard member may be away serving on State Active Duty and unable to be at home? 1 2 3 4 5

8. When your Guard member first arrived at his or her current unit, were you offered a sponsor or a welcome packet? Yes No

If yes, did you take advantage of it? Yes No

Did you find it useful? Yes No

9. Do you read your Guard member's unit newsletter? Yes No

What do you feel is your greatest challenge in dealing with your Guard Member being away?






What could we do to improve your level of readiness to meet this challenge?




