141st - 141st Air Refueling Wing Programs 141st Air Refueling Wing Programs Two groups of our extended family are very important to us in the 141 Air Refueling Wing: our spouses and families. We recognize that it takes the support of our spouses and families to enable the men and women of the 141st Air Refueling Wing to serve our great country in times of state, national and international emergencies. The security and well being of our spouses and families mean as much to us as the members themselves. For this reason we put a lot of effort into making our spouses and families feel a part of the extended guard family. As recent as one decade ago National Guard members expected to serve one weekend a month and two weeks training in the summer. Today, with reserve component personnel being relied on more and more, more of a commitment is needed. As a result of three presidential call-ups, men and women of today's National Guard deploy both as units and individually and serve alongside active duty service members in such world hotspots as Bosnia, Kosovo and the Persian Gulf. According to Charles L. Craigin, Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, guard members today perform many vital functions, from aerial refueling to military police and civil affairs to medical support. We can no longer go to war, enforce a peace agreement or undertake prolonged humanitarian missions anywhere in the world without calling on the Guard and Reserve. Frequency of deployments are now as much a reality for guard families as they are for active duty families. In the decade since the Gulf War, both active duty and reserve affairs officials have focused on family readiness. Family programs help the guard member and their families prepare for periods of separation. Having information available to family members prior to a guard member deploying is critical to inform families of available benefits and programs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What can the Family Readiness Program do for you? That is what we would like to know! Please take a minute to take fill out this evaluation form and help us learn how we can better serve you and your family. When you are through, either mail it to the address below, or stop by our office and drop it off. <>141 ARW FAMILY NEEDS SELF EVALUATION<> 141st Air Refueling Wing / FRP 1403 W Wainwright BLVD. Faichild AFB, WA. 99011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information about our Family Programs, send us an Email: Family.Readiness@wafair.ang.af.mil